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Jim Mead

Brinkley’s Bob Kemmer checks the hitch on his levee plow before seeding rice levees. Kemmer said a dry early spring allowed him to get a good start on his planting. As seed technology has advanced over the years, planting methods have changed as well.
Agriculture & Poultry

Seed Science Blossoms Into Big Business

In today’s world of specific-trait, genetically modified and hybrid crops, those seeds are worth their weight (at least) in gold, and in the span of a generation, seed costs have increased exponentially, but in many cases the resulting crops offset that input cost. read more >
A rice field near Stuttgart
Agriculture & Poultry

Rice Quality Concerns Create Hurdles For Industry

Jim Mead, owner of Delta Grains, a seed and grain brokerage business near Jonesboro, was part of the vanguard in seed technology. In the 1980s, he was an integral part of Eagle Seed Co. in Weiner, a small but innovative company that developed new rice and soybean varieties. Now, he views the seed business from both sides. read more >