Jim Simpson
6 Promoted at Conway Corp. (Movers & Shakers)
Conway Corp. has announced six promotions: two in the cable department, three in the electric department and one in the wastewater department. read more >
Jim Simpson Elected President of Arkansas Bar Association (Movers & Shakers)
Jim Simpson has been elected president of the Arkansas Bar Association in Little Rock. Simpson is a partner with Friday Eldredge & Clark LLP. Marie-Bernarde Miller, Brian H. Ratcliff, F. Thomas Curry and Shaneen K. Sloan were elected to serve as ABA officers. read more >
Business People, We Need the Jury Trial (Jim Simpson Commentary)
Can real jurors be successfully educated away from the television perception of the expectations of “scientific evidence?” Similarly, can they be persuaded during a jury trial that preconceptions about businesses cheating, destroying documents and hiding facts may not be at all true? read more >
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