Jodiane Tritt
Court Upholds Arkansas’ Regulation of 340B Program
The Arkansas Insurance Department will start enforcing state legislation to regulate a federal discount drug program that generates millions of dollars for Arkansas hospitals and community health centers. read more >
by Mark Friedman -
Losing Discount Drug Program Would Cost Hospitals, Health Centers Millions
The 340B Drug Pricing Program allows community health centers and about 50 qualified hospitals in Arkansas to buy discounted prescription drugs from manufacturers, using the money to improve patient care. read more >
by Mark Friedman -
The Search for Simple Solutions (Lance Turner Editor’s Note)
Two events last week showed lawmakers seeking simple solutions to complex problems. But as most business owners and managers know, there’s no such thing as a quick fix. read more >
by Lance Turner -
Telemedicine Here to Stay
The COVID-19 pandemic pushed the use of telemedicine in Arkansas five years ahead of where it would be otherwise. read more >
Convention Centers Can’t Wait for Legislative Session
Arkansas’ hospitals and other industries have urgent concerns for the Legislature to address in the regular session that will commence on Jan. 11, but a key piece of the hospitality industry has needs that are more urgent. read more >
by -
Surgery Ban Ends, but Few Go to Hospital
Dr. Gerry Jones thought that after the ban on elective procedures was lifted, there would be a surge of patients. There wasn’t. read more >
by Mark Friedman -
State Leaders: We’re Being Proactive About Coronavirus
State legislators and others said at a Monday afternoon news conference that they are being proactive about responding to the global coronavirus outbreak, especially when it comes to the population's most vulnerable to dying from it: the elderly. read more >
The Pros and Cons of Arkansas Tort Reform
With less than five months before the November vote on capping attorney’s fees and damages, groups for and against tort reform in Arkansas are making their case with money. read more >
by Mark Friedman -
Managed Care Organizations Met With Skepticism by Some Health Care Professionals
Health care professionals in Arkansas are voicing skepticism that bringing managed care organizations into the state-run Medicaid program will stem the rising costs of government-provided health care. read more >
The Managed Care Already Argument
One argument against managed care organizations is that the state of Arkansas has already implemented many of the cost-saving methods in its Medicaid programs that managed care organizations use. read more >
Davy Carter Expects Private Option Funding Will Be Approved
Davy Carter, speaker of the Arkansas House of Representatives, said he thinks legislators will hold their noses and vote to continue funding the “private option” Medicaid expansion during the fiscal session that begins Feb. 10. read more >
by Mark Friedman -