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Joe O’Brien

Government & Politics

Facing the Abyss in Tokyo (Joe O’Brien Commentary)

China knows the new American president will cut it slack — indeed, will back down on security for Japan and South Korea — in return for the illusion of China containing North Korea. read more >
Joe O'Brien
Media & Marketing

The Perils of Later-in-Life Dating (Joe O’Brien Commentary)

When I became a widower after 28 years of a healthy marriage, I knew how to turn on the washing machine and to navigate the drive-through at McDonald’s. Beyond that, I was pretty clueless. For nine months after the funeral, I got sympathetic calls from single lady friends wishing to bring the bereaved a casserole. I gained 10 pounds. I told my friend, a relentless bachelor, “I think I am ready to start dating.” read more >