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Kurt Castleberry


Entergy Promotes William Cunningham to Director of Resource Planning

Kurt Castleberry, who formerly held the position, filled us in on the transition. read more >
Construction / Energy

Arkansas Nuclear One: A Timeline

A brief overview of ANO's construction, growth and operations throughout the years. read more >
Construction / Energy / Government & Politics

Arkansas Nuclear One Turns 50

After a half-century of operation, Arkansas Nuclear One is licensed into the 2030s. read more >
Kurt Castleberry, vice president and director of resource management at Entergy Arkansas, says the state has transmission and fuel diversity advantages over Texas, where the power grid came within minutes of collapse in February.

Entergy’s Castleberry Rides Into the Sunset

Kurt Castleberry, Entergy's chief resource executive, is retiring after nearly 40 years. read more >
A pseudo-rendering of U.S. Steel's new $3 billion mill in Osceola 

Power-Hungry Steel Plant Is Ordering Green

U.S. Steel is set to demand another huge load of electricity for the plant it’s building next to Big River, and is more specifically calling for renewable energy. read more >

Entergy RFP Seeks 1,000 Megawatts of Renewable Power

The 1,000 megawatts is about triple the 281 megawatts Entergy Arkansas produces now at three solar fields. read more >
A crew from Seal Solar of North Little Rock installs solar panels at 107 Liquor in Sherwood.
Construction / Energy / Government & Politics

For Solar, A Threat Is Rising In the EastLock Icon

A U.S. investigation into Asian solar panel exports has stalled two of Entergy Arkansas’ largest sun projects. read more >
Kurt Castleberry, vice president and director of resource management at Entergy Arkansas, says the state has transmission and fuel diversity advantages over Texas, where the power grid came within minutes of collapse in February.
Construction / Energy / Government & Politics

Entergy Follows The Sun, Along With U.S. Steel

With war in Ukraine driving a global energy crisis, Entergy Arkansas Inc. has turned to the sun exclusively for new electricity generation. read more >
The Southwest Power Pool crisis coordination center in Little Rock was a key hub in February, when cold weather overwhelmed the Texas grid.
Agriculture & Poultry / Business Services / Construction

Arkansas Power Officials Look to Texas, Count BlessingsLock Icon

A future disruption as severe as when a deadly winter storm overwhelmed Texas’ power supply appears far less likely in Arkansas. read more >
Kurt Castleberry
Director of Resource Planning for Entergy Arkansas
Construction / Energy

Entergy’s Kurt Castleberry Notes Big Arrays Bring Lower Burn on Costs

Kurt Castleberry, the director of resource planning for Entergy Arkansas, describes the utility’s solar power initiatives. read more >
Arkansas’ only nuclear power plant, Entergy Arkansas’ Nuclear One, is near Russellville on the banks of Lake Dardanelle.
Construction / Energy / Government & Politics

50-Year Old Nuclear Units, Nowhere Near Retirement

On Friday, Unit 1 of Arkansas Nuclear One will turn 47. read more >
Arkansas Electric Cooperatives CEO Buddy Hasten and Kurt Castleberry of Entergy Arkansas agree that reliable planning with utility partners helps keep power debacles from happening, such as the one last week in Texas.
Government & Politics

How Arkansas Avoided Texas’ Fate in Grid Crisis

As utilities and authorities investigate why millions of Texans were left without power last week, Arkansas power experts are looking for lessons in the debacle, and explaining how Arkansas and other states largely avoided Texas’ fate. read more >
Construction / Energy / Manufacturing

In Winter’s Brutal Grip, The Power Grid Buckles

The regional electric grid was stretched to the limit and beyond, and Arkansans joined Texans, Oklahomans and Missourians sitting in their darkened houses, getting chillier. read more >
Buddy Hasten

Electricity Crisis Not Over, Hasten and Castleberry Say

Two of Arkansas' leading electric utility executives say the state is "not out of the woods yet" after limited cold-weather blackouts mandated in emergency orders by the two regional transmission organizations based in Little Rock. read more >
Construction / Energy / Real Estate

Arkansas and Energy: A Business Convergence

The stars, and particularly that fiery ball just 92 million miles from us, have aligned for Arkansas Business’ debut column on energy, a new monthly feature. read more >
Stuttgart Solar, which provides 81 megawatts to Entergy Arkansas through a power-purchase deal, is the largest solar farm in Arkansas, though more are being built.
Construction / Energy / Real Estate

Entergy Arkansas Has 1,000-Acre Solar Array On the HorizonLock Icon

Entergy Arkansas executive Kurt Castleberry says the electric company has filed for regulatory approval of the state’s largest sun energy installation — by far. read more >

Schools Hail Savings From Entergy Solar Power Option

Entergy Arkansas’ program selling solar power to schools, towns, cities and nonprofits is already giving electricity savings to 61 subscribing customers, including 26 Arkansas public school systems, the company reported on Thursday. read more >
Construction / Government & Politics

Searcy Solar, Largest Array With Storage in State, to Turn Dirt Next Month

Entergy Arkansas and NextEra Energy Resources will start construction next month on what will be the state’s largest sun power array with battery storage, a 100-megawatt plant in White County. read more >
Government & Politics

CenterPoint, Entergy Arkansas Announce Lower Customer Costs

Lower bills are coming to hundreds of thousands of Arkansas natural gas and electric power customers thanks to developments announced this week. read more >
Mark Cayce is the general manager of Ouachita Electric Cooperative in Camden. OEC and South Arkansas Telephone company have teamed up to help provide high-speed internet in rural south Arkansas were in many places, dial-up is the only option.
Construction / Government & Politics

At Advanced Energy Event, Solar Power Fuels a Surprise Rate-Cut Plan

Ouachita Electric Cooperative Corp. of Camden will seek the state's first utility-wide electricity rate decrease tied to savings from solar power. read more >