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Linda and George Gleason

Clockwise from top: Jim Walton, Rob Walton and Alice Walton; Johnelle Hunt; John Tyson; Madison Murphy.
Agriculture & Poultry / Banking & Finance / Construction

List of Top Stockholders in Arkansas Sees Retailers’ Stock Fortunes Plummet

The Waltons are in no danger of losing the top spot on Arkansas Business’ annual list of the state’s top stockholders, with $99 billion in just those stock holdings that they are required to disclose publicly under U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission regulations. read more >
Our annual look at Arkansas’ top stockholders is accompanied by closer studies of stock trends for the transportation, retail, banking and tech sectors.
Agriculture & Poultry / Banking & Finance / Energy

Improved Market Results in Larger List of State’s Top Stockholders

The list of Arkansans with publicly disclosed stock holdings valued at more than $1 million grows from 93 names last year to 102 this year. Big winners on this year's list include the Stephens and Dillard families. read more >