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Little Rock Education Association

Government & Politics

Little Rock Teachers Won’t Show for In-Person Classes

Little Rock teachers won't show up for in-person classes due to concerns about the spread of coronavirus in schools, the head of the local teachers union says. read more >
Dr. Deborah Birx, coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force.
Government & Politics / Health Care

Trump Adviser Deborah Birx Says Parties Fueling COVID-19 Spread in Arkansas

President Donald Trump's top coronavirus adviser says families and friends holding parties is helping fuel the virus' spread as she visited Arkansas. read more >
Government & Politics / Health Care

Hutchinson Stands by School Plan as Groups Cite Virus Worries

Arkansas’ governor on Tuesday stood by efforts to reopen schools next month, despite concerns raised by pediatricians and the Little Rock teachers union about moving forward with in-person classes as coronavirus cases continue rising. read more >

Little Rock Teachers Union to Hold 1-Day Strike

Little Rock teachers will strike for one day this week over an Arkansas panel's decision to strip their collective bargaining power and complaints about state control of the 23,000-student district. read more >
Government & Politics

State Board, Returning Local Control, Ends Contract with Little Rock Teachers Union

The Arkansas Board of Education strips the collective bargaining power of the Little Rock teachers' union, sparking fears of a strike even as the panel voted to return local control of the schools to a board that will be elected in November 2020. read more >
Government & Politics

Little Rock Teachers’ Union Rejects State’s Waiver Proposal

A Little Rock teachers' association is rejecting a proposal from the Arkansas Department of Education that would make it easier to fire teachers in low-performing schools in the district. read more >