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Marie Gieringer

Marie Gieringer, CFO of Girl Scouts-Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas
Business Services / Education / Media & Marketing

Girl Scout CFO Marie Gieringer Opens Doors to Opportunities

Marie Gieringer, the CFO of Girls Scouts Diamonds, praises the organization’s history of “adapting and persevering.” read more >
Marie Gieringer

Marie Gieringer Proudly Wears CFO Badge for Regional Girl Scouts

As chief financial officer of Girl Scouts - Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma & Texas, the position Marie Gieringer assumed in February, she manages the accounting, business systems, retail and troop financial accountability divisions of the organization, which is headquartered in Little Rock. With the help of about 10 staff members, Gieringer also prepares monthly financial statements and budget reports. read more >