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Mark Scott

Plans by a North Carolina company to put a 400,000-SF shopping center east of Interstate 40 at the intersection of Amity Road and Dave Ward Drive in Conway. City officials say preliminary plans for the center have changed since this iteration.
Construction / Retail

Conway Council Approves Rezoning of Lewis Crossing Shopping Center

Conway is moving forward with another large-scale shopping center after its city council unanimously approved the rezoning of the proposed site to a commercial classification. read more >
Government & Politics / Retail

Lottery Commission Votes to Add Monitor-Style Games

The Arkansas Lottery Commission on Wednesday voted to start the process of implementing monitor-style games in which players can watch drawings every four minutes. read more >
A mobile application allows Entergy users to get updates on where power outages are occurring and the estimated time for when those utilities should be restored.
Energy / Media & Marketing / Public Companies

How Crisis Communicators Rely on Social Media

Using a smartphone to gather information is becoming a necessity during storms. It’s why Wal-Mart’s Sam’s Club division set up power stations at stores in the Northeast after Hurricane Sandy hit. It's why Entergy continues to tweak a social media plan it used during December's winter storm. read more >
Wal-Mart Stores Inc. employees hold an emergency meeting about Hurricane Sandy at the company's headquarters in Bentonville last October.
Education / Insurance / Media & Marketing

6 Spokesmen on Communicating During a Critical Crisis

Troubled times can take on many forms — natural disasters, infidelity, mismanagement — but no matter the form, communication is key. Arkansas Business visited with professional communicators locally and nationally to find out what they think is critical in crisis: read more >