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Max Brantley

Media & Marketing

Meredith Oakley, Little Rock Newspaper Warrior, Dies at 72

Oakley made a name for herself as a tough critic of the Arkansas Legislature and of Bill Clinton. read more >
Lindsey Millar, editor of Arkansas Times, has founded a “nonpartisan news project dedicated to producing journalism that matters to Arkansans.”
Media & Marketing

Lindsey Millar to Leave Arkansas Times Editorship in May

In all, Millar has been with the Times for 16 years, the first four as its arts and entertainment editor. read more >
Longtime "Arkansas Week" host Steve Barnes, center, in a photo from 1988. His guests were, left to right, original host Tom Grimes, reporter Joan Duffy, editor Max Brantley and Pine Bluff Commercial and Arkansas Democrat-Gazette editorial writer Paul Greenberg.
Media & Marketing

‘Arkansas Week’ Celebrates 40 Years on Educational TV

Arkansas PBS will mark the milestone with a six-minute montage of clips from the program over the decades, along with recollections from journalists who regularly appeared with Barnes and other hosts, including longtime Arkansas Business Editor Gwen Moritz. read more >
Government & Politics / Media & Marketing

Arkansas Times’ Max Brantley Retires After 50 Years of Journalism in Little RockLock Icon

Brantley spent almost 19 years at the Arkansas Gazette and more than 31 at the Arkansas Times. read more >
Courtney Pledger has persevered through five not always smooth years as chief of Arkansas PBS, formerly the Arkansas Educational Television Network. “I’m nothing if not stubborn,” Pledger said.
Government & Politics / Media & Marketing / Nonprofits

Courtney Pledger Commits Herself To Arkansas, and Awaits Her Raise

Despite being wooed for other positions, Pledger, executive director and CEO of Arkansas PBS, has transformed the public media station in her five-year tenure. read more >

Newshound Max Brantley Nears the End of His Trail

Meanwhile, the Arkansas Times has announced two new hires, including veteran reporter Debra Hale-Shelton. read more >
Danny and Pam Cook hold an edition of the Warren Eagle Democrat
Small Business

Owner Says He’s Shutting Down Warren Newspaper, Unless …

Age and ailments have caught up with the owners. But the 136-year-old Warren Eagle Democrat could go on without them. read more >
Stephen Steed, former business and farm reporter for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, in 2016

Democrat-Gazette Reporter and Editor Stephen Steed Dies at 62

He was known as a skilled and empathetic journalist with a sharp memory and fun-loving disposition. read more >
A screenshot of the Arkansas Division of Workforce Services' Pandemic Unemployment Assistance website at pua.arkansas.gov.
Government & Politics / Health Care / Legal

Hutchinson, a Flawed Site and Defining Exploitation

Gov. Hutchinson puzzled techies and Luddites alike by making a federal case out of what seemed to be a good Samaritan’s report that the Arkansas Pandemic Unemployment Assistance website was inadvertently revealing applicants’ Social Security and banking numbers. read more >
Eliza Gaines, the publisher’s daughter, takes over this month as managing editor of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.
Media & Marketing

Papers in Peril, Part II: ‘Got to Reduce Our Costs’

Cutbacks at American dailies have been coming, well, daily, and Democrat-Gazette President and General Manager Lynn Hamilton put out a call last Monday for all employees to consider voluntary furloughs or perhaps working four rather than five days a week, at commensurate pay. read more >

D-G Offers Voluntary Furloughs in Pandemic Crisis; Paxton Cuts Jobs

As other Arkansas daily newspapers bleed staff and cut back printing, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette has given employees a dilemma: Accept a work furlough now to cut the odds of being laid off later. read more >
Agriculture & Poultry / Media & Marketing / Restaurants & Food

Holiday Cheer: Give the Gift of Arkansas

Several old and new friends, people who write knowledgeably and passionately about food, shared some of their favorite gifts to give — and receive. read more >
Walter Hussman Jr., chairman of Wehco Media Inc., in his office at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

Walter Hussman Bets Big on a Digital Democrat-Gazette

Soon, readers won't get a newspaper outside central Arkansas and the northwest. Operations will be mostly digital, and a Sunday-only print edition is conceivable, Publisher Walter Hussman says. read more >
Arkansas Times Publisher Alan Leveritt (file)

Changing ‘Times’ and Prolonging ‘Life’

Alan Leveritt, the founder and publisher of the Arkansas Times, is so pleased with his publication’s rebirth as a monthly that he fears he’s tempting providence. read more >
Jim Bailey
Media & Marketing

Jim Bailey, Revered Arkansas Sportswriter, Dies at 86

Jim Bailey, who delighted Razorback fans, baseball addicts and boxing buffs for nearly six decades as one of Arkansas’ most knowledgeable and polished sportswriters, died Wednesday night after a decade of Alzheimer’s disease, his family said. read more >
Arkansas Times Publisher Alan Leveritt (file)

Arkansas Times to Go Monthly, Revamp Website

Arkansas Times, the Little Rock weekly newspaper founded in 1974, is returning to a monthly format after more than a quarter-century, Editor Lindsey Millar announced. read more >
Media & Marketing

David Koon to Leave Arkansas Times for Team SI

David Koon has given notice to the Arkansas Times to write for Team SI, the Little Rock digital marketing agency affiliated with Mangan Holcomb Partners. read more >
103.7 The Buzz announced Wednesday that it has renamed its Babe Backet, which will continue as The Bracket With No Name.
Media & Marketing

Bye-Bye Babe: A Controversial Contest Goes Nameless

KABZ-FM's embattled radio contest pitting local female newscasters against one another in a March Madness-style bracket has avoided elimination by changing its name. read more >
Government & Politics / Media & Marketing

A Reporter Is Beaten; Arkansans Can Relate

Arkansas Democrat photographer Will Counts captured the beating of newspaper reporter L. Alex Wilson outside Central High School in 1957, and his images stunned viewers then and have embarrassed Arkansas for 60 years. read more >
Donald Trump (file)
Government & Politics / Media & Marketing

Trump Triumph, Media Fail: The View From Arkansas

In Arkansas, journalists and media educators weigh in on a new media world following the election of Donald Trump as president. read more >