Ouachita Electric Cooperative Corporation
Solar Projects on a Roll With PSC Ruling in Offing
Carlisle farmer Don Kittler looked out at his 18-acre field east of Lonoke, beaming at row after row soaking up the sun. But these weren’t the usual rows of corn, soybeans and rice he farms on 10,000 acres of in Lonoke and Prairie counties. read more >
by Kyle Massey -
Arkansas Solar Projects Get Turn in Limelight
Utilities around the state are turning to solar energy-generation projects as the cost of wrangling the sun’s rays becomes more economical. read more >
by Sean Beherec -
AECC to Build 12-Megawatt Solar Field in East Camden
Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corp. on Friday announced it would bring a 12-megawatt solar field to East Camden. read more >
by Sean Beherec -