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Robert Stebbins

Media & Marketing

Reminiscences Flow at CJRW Reunion

There were no mad men — or women — at a recent reunion of former CJRW employees. Just jovial colleagues drinking and laughing about old times. read more >
Education / Government & Politics / Media & Marketing

Victor, Spoils, Etc. (Gwen Moritz Editor’s Note)

The way Robert Stebbins' job termination as sales director for the Arkanas Scholarship Lottery went down, both on the part of the lottery and then by the under-reported, overplayed articles that appeared in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, was astonishing. read more >
Mitch Chandler, formerly a senior vice president at Martin-Wilbourn Partners, is joining the Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Education / Government & Politics / Media & Marketing

Lottery Officials Quiet on New Hire After Former Sales Director Scratched

You’d never know it from reading the reports of his firing in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, but Robert Stebbins was not directly responsible for ticket sales at the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery. read more >