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Sam Walton

Business Services / Government & Politics / Health Care

CEO Death Puts Focus On SecurityLock Icon

High-profile incidents have boosted demand for security services from firms like SafeHaven Security Group of Rogers. read more >
Banking & Finance / Construction / Industry

Blue Crane Land Purchases Spark Bella Vista Hopes

It may be a few months until Blue Crane announces what it plans to do with the property it bought in Bella Vista earlier this year, but city leaders believe the Walton heirs’ interest is a sign its time has come. read more >
Agriculture & Poultry / Banking & Finance / Business Services

Through The Years: The ’90s (40 Years of Arkansas Business)

See highlights from Arkansas Business from 1990-1999. read more >
Agriculture & Poultry / Banking & Finance / Business Services

Through The Years: The ’80s (40 Years of Arkansas Business)

See highlights from Arkansas Business from its beginning in 1984 through 1989. read more >
Sam Walton, co-founder of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., was the company’s biggest cheerleader, a literal role he enjoyed playing at annual shareholders’ meetings.
Public Companies / Retail

Harvey Hughes, ‘Mr. Sam’ and Ol’ RoyLock Icon

Harvey Hughes has stories to tell on just about all his workplaces and colleagues over the years, but his favorites involve Walmart founder and Arkansas business legend Sam Walton. read more >
Harvey Hughes, founder and chief strategist of Hughes Technology, has built flying into his business
Education / Government & Politics

Diving Into Ed Tech: The Forrest Gump of Arkansas Finds His PathLock Icon

Harvey Hughes, a computer system programmer-turned-pilot-turned-entrepreneur, found his calling building programs for educators like those who saved him from dropout risks in high school and financial need in college. read more >
Rob Walton, Jim Walton and Alice Walton present the Entrepreneur of the Year award at the 2019 Walmart shareholders meeting in Fayetteville.
Agriculture & Poultry / Banking & Finance / Business Services

Arkansas’ Top Stockholders: 2020 Very Good for Walton Family Fortune

Arkansas’ richest family has had a good year financially. The heirs of Sam Walton own publicly traded stock valued collectively at more than $205 billion. read more >
David Glass
Public Companies / Retail / Tourism

Former Walmart Exec David Glass Dies at 84

David Dayne Glass, who served as president and CEO of Walmart Inc. from 1988 to 2000, died Jan. 9. He was 84. read more >
Alice Walton announces the Whole Health Institute in Bentonville, which aims to address flaws in the U.S. health care system.
Nonprofits / Retail

Alice Walton: New Institute to Address ‘Broken’ Health Care System

Walmart Inc. heiress Alice Walton says the health care system in the United States is broken and, to fix it, she is starting the Whole Health Institute in Bentonville. read more >
“The main thing is I have to fight to not do what we did yesterday, to do something different today.” - Frank Fletcher Jr., CEO, Frank Fletcher Cos.
Investments / Real Estate / Restaurants & Food

Frank Fletcher’s Way: Adapt and Serve CustomersLock Icon

Frank Fletcher, the CEO of a diverse empire, says his hotel, restaurants, car lots and fur store all must evolve. His company, which reported $750 million in revenue in 2017, employs about 1,000 people, a number that has steadily grown over the past 20 years. read more >
Doug McMillon, president and CEO of  Wal-Mart Stores Inc., has aggressively pushed the discount retailer into a new era emphasizing online shopping. Many of Wal-Mart’s moves in 2017 took direct aim at its chief competitor, Amazon.
Investments / Public Companies / Retail

Walmart to Move Formal Business Out of Walton Arena Party

Walmart Inc. of Bentonville said Wednesday that it will change the format of its annual shareholders meeting, which takes place June 1 at Bud Walton Arena at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. read more >
A 1973 aerial view of the Wal-Mart Home Office in Bentonville.
Business Services / Construction / Public Companies

Wal-Mart’s New Headquarters: Tradition, Not FrillsLock Icon

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. says its new headquarters campus on 350 acres in Bentonville will be all about efficiency and not ego. read more >
Illustrations of Alexander Hamilton and Madam C.J. Walker. Both will be featured as heroes of captialism in Stephens Inc.'s film series. 
Banking & Finance / Business Services / Media & Marketing

Stephens Inc. Launches Film Series On Heroes of Capitalism

Stephens Inc. announced Monday that it has launched a multimedia series called “This Is Capitalism,” featuring short films on some of the heroes of capitalism in the United States, including Warren Stephens’ father, Jackson T. Stephens. read more >
Pictured left to right: Mark Soderquist; Sandie Ford; Wendy Soderquist; Carey Pollard; Jo Soderquist; Don Soderquist; and Chip Pollard, JBU president, at a 2014 event at JBU to name the business college after Soderquist.
Public Companies / Retail

Don Soderquist, Former Wal-Mart COO, Dies at 82

Former Wal-Mart Stores Inc. executive Don Soderquist died Thursday from complications following heart surgery. He was 82. Soderquist was often credited for his strong influence on Wal-Mart's culture. read more >
Doug McMillon, CEO of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., is atop this week’s list of the highest-paid public company executives. | (Photo by Ryan Miller)
Media & Marketing / Public Companies / Retail

Wal-Mart Asks Suppliers for Lower Prices, Fewer Ads

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. of Bentonville is asking suppliers to cut back on advertising in order to pass along those savings to its customers. read more >
Photos of Sam Walton are at the center of a copyright lawsuit in federal court.
Government & Politics / Legal / Media & Marketing

Who Owns The Rights To Wal-Mart’s Photographs?

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has sued a Fayetteville photography studio, claiming it owns the rights to photos taken of Sam Walton and his family. Both Wal-Mart Stores Inc. of Bentonville and Helen Huff of Fayetteville can agree that her husband, David Huff, and his father, Robert Huff, both now deceased, took dozens of photos of the retailer’s founder, Sam Walton, and his family. read more >
Sam Walton, co-founder of Wal-Mart Stores Inc., was the company’s biggest cheerleader, a literal role he enjoyed playing at annual shareholders’ meetings.
Agriculture & Poultry / Banking & Finance / Business Services

Sam’s Show: The Spectacle of Wal-Mart’s 1988 Shareholders’ Meeting

Standing here in northwest Arkansas amid the appreciative gathering with sky blue “What’s Important Is You” banners hanging from the rafters and scoreboard, the messes is clear: God, America, Wal-Mart. Welcome to the pageantry and spectacle of Sam Walton’s capitalism rally — the 1988 Wal-Mart Shareholders’ Meeting — touted as the largest shareholders’ meeting in America, if not the world. read more >
Mike Smith, left, was syndicate manager and J.D. Simpson was a corporate finance executive when they led the initial public offering of Wal-Mart stock by their employer, Stephens Inc. of Little Rock, in 1970.

Wal-Mart IPO Set the Stage for Global Expansion

In preparation for the IPO, a hodge-podge of ownership interests in different stores was consolidated under one corporate banner: Wal-Mart Stores Inc. The corporation represented the merger of 78 partners that owned pieces of 32 stores, with the Walton family owning a majority stake in each. The stores also were a mixed bag of Wal-Mart Discount City, Ben Franklin, Walton’s Family Center and Ben Franklin Family Center. read more >
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, which Sam Walton’s daughter Alice opened in Bentonville on Nov. 11, 2011, represents the single largest philanthropic act made possible by Wal-Mart wealth in Arkansas, but innumerable other gifts have transformed medical, education and athletic institutions across the state.

Wealth Created by Wal-Mart Supports Massive Philanthropic Efforts in Arkansas

Wal-Mart made a number of Arkansans very rich, and that wealth has been manifested in billions of dollars worth of gifts to educational, medical and cultural institutions in the state. read more >
Charles Fishman, author "The Wal-Mart Effect"

Founded by Sam Walton, Modernized by Lee Scott

The man who wrote the book on Wal-Mart says former Wal-Mart CEO Lee Scott brought Sam Walton’s mid-20th century idea into the 21st century read more >