Sherece West-Scantlebury
Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation Launches New $50M Grant Fund
The Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation has launched the Arkansas Enterprise Capital Grant Fund, aiming to raise $50 million for nonprofits across the state. read more >
Rockefeller Groups Live Up to Rich Name
Almost 50 years after Winthrop Rockefeller died, the three nonprofits seeded by his fortune are evolving their missions for doing good in Arkansas, the nation and the world read more >
by Kyle Massey -
Report Shows Gaps in Lending to Minority Businesses in Arkansas
Minorities and women do not have the same access to capital as their white male counterparts, a systemic issue that can be addressed, a panel of Arkansas bank leaders and a small-business owner says. read more >
Sherece West-Scantlebury on Who Gets Grants from Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation
Sherece West-Scantlebury has been involved in philanthropy for 25 years. read more >
Jack Mullen, Paula Cholmondeley Join Board of Growing Bank of the Ozarks
At Monday's annual shareholders meeting, Chairman and CEO George Gleason also announced that a third seat would be filled by Trevor Burgess, president, CEO and founder of the $1.7 billion-asset C1 Financial Inc. of St. Petersburg, Florida. read more >
by George Waldon -
ForwARd Arkansas Conducts Survey, Plans Study of State Schools
ForwARd Arkansas is asking educators, parents, students and other stakeholders to complete a survey on how to prepare Arkansas students for success in college and the workplace. read more >
Beebe Said To Appoint Task Force ‘FASTER Arkansas’ With Plans for Broadband Expansion
Last Wednesday, Gov. Mike Beebe met with scores of representatives — the number we heard was 70 — of Internet service providers, large and small, from all over the state. The subject: broadband access, or lack thereof. read more >
Sherece West-Scantlebury: Asking ‘Why?’
As president and CEO of the nonprofit Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation of Little Rock, Sherece West-Scantlebury is the leader of a staff of nine and oversees an organization that through year-end 2011 had received $25.6 million in funding from the estate of former Arkansas Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller. The philanthropic organization was created using money the former governor left at his death in 1973. read more >
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Women of Influence: 10 Leaders Who Make Arkansas Strong
Business and politics in Arkansas and elsewhere are still dominated by men, and that fact is evident in the pages of Arkansas Business. Three years ago, we decided to make a special effort to highlight the fact that there are indeed “Women of Influence” in our midst, and in this issue we again set out to recognize 10 different women. read more >
Rockefeller Study: Immigrants Provide Economic Boost, But 4 in 10 Here Illegally
A study commissioned by the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation found that roughly four in 10 immigrants in Arkansas are in the country illegally, but that immigrants as a whole provide a net positive impact on the state's economy. read more >
by Mark Carter -