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Simmons First Investment Group

An executive triumvirate is guiding the transformation of Capital Bank into Encore Bank. From left, Chris Roberts, chairman and CEO; Phillip Jett, vice chairman and president; and Burt Hicks, senior executive vice president, chief operating officer and general counsel.
Banking & Finance / Investments / Media & Marketing

Trio Gathers New Money to Relaunch Capital Bank as EncoreLock Icon

As chairman and CEO, Chris Roberts is leading the campaign to rebrand and relaunch Capital Bank with a $50 million stock offering. The 50-year-old banker considers his recent move from Simmons Bank to be a curtain call on his 27-year lending career. read more >
Burt Hicks, president & CEO of Simmons First Investment Group Inc.
Banking & Finance / Investments / Legal

Simmons First’s Burt Hicks Reflects Upon Impact

Burt Hicks is the president and CEO of Simmons First Investment Group Inc. read more >
Sergio Santamaria of the UA: Artificial intelligence allows for the detachment of emotion and minimizes errors.
Banking & Finance / Business Services / Education

AI Advisers See New World in Wealth ManagementLock Icon

Artificial intelligence — AI — software that employs “machine learning” has made huge strides in the past few years, primarily because of improvements in computer processing power and data storage. read more >
Marlin Evans
Business Services / Investments / Public Companies

Regions Bank Adds Marlin Evans to Wealth Management (Movers & Shakers)

Marlin Evans has joined the private wealth management team at Regions Bank in Little Rock as a personal trust specialist. read more >
Banking & Finance / Health Care / Legal

Executive Moves Made at Simmons First Investment Group (Movers & Shakers)

Carolyn May has joined Simmons First Investment Group in Little Rock and Ken Adams, David Seay, Joe France, Reed Willett and Angela Johnson have been promoted. read more >
Philip Tappan 
Banking & Finance / Investments / Public Companies

Philip Tappan Joins Simmons Bank as EVP

Simmons Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of Simmons First National Corp. of Pine Bluff, said Thursday that it has hired Philip A. Tappan as executive vice president of financial services. read more >
Mel Hutchins (left) of Simmons First National Bank and Robert Castleberry of Simmons First Investment Group
Banking & Finance / Nonprofits / Real Estate

Moves Made at Two Simmons First Subsidiaries (Movers & Shakers)

Mel Hutchins has joined Simmons First National Bank of Pine Bluff as a vice president and commercial loan officer in the bank’s Little Rock region. Robert Castleberry has joined Simmons First Investment Group in Little Rock as a vice president and manager of investment financials and operations. read more >