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Stephen Steed

Media & Marketing

Extra! Extra! The Paper’s Hiring

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette is looking to fill positions in news, business and sports as it tries to keep up in a hot job market. read more >
Stephen Steed, former business and farm reporter for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, in 2016

Democrat-Gazette Reporter and Editor Stephen Steed Dies at 62

He was known as a skilled and empathetic journalist with a sharp memory and fun-loving disposition. read more >
Media & Marketing

Publishing Plans Put Off at The Stuttgart Leader

Scott Siler spoke with Stephen Steed of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, reporting that publishing plans have been put off until after the first of the year. read more >
Media & Marketing

Gatehouse Media May Follow Democrat-Gazette’s Lead in Staff Cuts

The gloom in Arkansas’ daily newspapers only deepened last month as the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette cut the equivalent of 12 to 15 jobs while the parent company of GateHouse Media, which owns dailies in Pine Bluff, Fort Smith, Arkadelphia, Stuttgart and Hope, also signaled an appetite for more cuts. read more >