Steve Anthony
‘Running Through Cash Like Crazy’: Best Quotes of 2022
They said it, we only quoted them. Here are some of the best things said in 2022. read more >
Timber Surge Fuels $309M in Mill Updates
What’s behind this surge in announced sawmill updates and expansions? Historically high lumber prices. read more >
by Jan Cottingham -
Timber! Record Lumber Prices Fall Back to Earth
The lumber industry appears to be settling into a new normal after a frenetic spring that saw lumber prices surge to an all-time high — so high that executives were often at a loss for words to explain it. read more >
by Marty Cook -
Anthony Timberlands Sets Record For 2020, Aided by Lumber Prices
2020 was the best year in Anthony Timberlands’ history, and this year is shaping up to surpass that, said Steve Anthony, president of the company, based in Bearden. read more >
by Jan Cottingham -
Pandemic Pushes Lumber Prices Up
The coronavirus pandemic has boosted lumber demand throughout the United States, a surge that has pushed prices to record heights, raising the average price of a new single-family home by more than $16,000. read more >
by Jan Cottingham -
D-G Offers Voluntary Furloughs in Pandemic Crisis; Paxton Cuts Jobs
As other Arkansas daily newspapers bleed staff and cut back printing, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette has given employees a dilemma: Accept a work furlough now to cut the odds of being laid off later. read more >
by Kyle Massey -
UA Architecture Dean Builds Momentum, Pioneers Mass Timber Use
As the mass timber construction industry takes hold in Arkansas, Peter MacKeith looks on like a proud papa. read more >
by Marty Cook -
Anthony Timberlands Cutting Production by Half at Malvern, Bearden
Anthony Timberlands Inc. is preparing to cut production in half at its Malvern and Bearden pine mills, idling about 200 employees, CEO Steve Anthony said Thursday morning. read more >
by Gwen Moritz -
Anthony Lumber Mills Keep Running, For Now, Despite Hoax Report of Virus
An ambulance was deployed Saturday morning to the Anthony Timberlands lumber mill in Bearden after some "twisted" anonymous hoaxster reported that the mill was "full of people with coronavirus," according to owner Steven Anthony. read more >
by Gwen Moritz -
Health Network Saved Its Members $14.7M in 2018
Arkansas Health Network of Little Rock saved the organizations it works with more than $14.7 million in 2018, the latest figure available. read more >
by Mark Friedman -
Trade War Cuts Deep in Arkansas
The U.S.-China trade war is being fought in the forests and mill towns of Arkansas as tariffs take their toll on the hardwood lumber industry. So far, state lumbermen say, they’ve been able to absorb most of the losses, but a day of reckoning is coming. read more >
by Jan Cottingham -
Kneecapping Arkansas (Editorial)
Will Gov. Asa Hutchinson's upcoming visit to China a wise use of resources, or is the governor perhaps captive to a nostalgia for a time when the Oval Office wasn’t occupied by a man devoted to protectionist policies? read more >
Timber Industry Slowdown May Signal Recession
The country may be headed for another recession, timber industry experts told Arkansas Business last week after Conifex Timber Inc. of Vancouver, British Columbia, announced an indefinite suspension of operations at its El Dorado sawmill. read more >
Timber CEO: Georgia-Pacific Closures to Range Far and Wide in Arkansas
Georgia-Pacific's announced plan to close its bleached board operations in Crossett will have a ripple effect across Arkansas' forest products industry, Steve Anthony, CEO of Anthony Timberlands Inc., told Arkansas Business. read more >
by Gwen Moritz -
Nothing Lasts Forever (Editorial)
It looks like the “Trump bump” in 2017, when the DJIA increased by 25 percent, may have to suffice for two years — and it’s not a bad return even then. read more >
A Decade After Recession, Arkansas Timber Industry Reborn
The timber industry, the biggest employer in south Arkansas, has recovered in the decade since the Great Recession. That doesn’t mean it will ever be the same. read more >
by Jan Cottingham -
Driver Dearth Chips at Arkansas Timber Industry
The state’s timber industry can’t take full advantage of a booming market because of the lack of truck drivers. read more >
by Marty Cook -
Climate Change Drives Canadian Lumber Buying Spree
Milder winters and warmer summers have meant higher survival rates for the mountain pine beetle, which has triggered an epidemic that began in the 1990s which had killed by 2012 946 million cubic yards of pine trees in British Columbia. More than 45 million acres of forest have been affected. read more >
by Jan Cottingham -
Agricultural Firms Note Strong Growth
Most large private agricultural enterprises in Arkansas posted double-digit growth last year, and the chiefs of at least two of those companies expressed cautious optimism that the worst of the recession is behind them. read more >
Bearden’s Anthony Timberlands Ramps Up Shifts as Housing Improves
Steve Anthony, president of Anthony Timberlands Co. since 2004, says business is better (the glass is half full), but the housing market is still nowhere near what he considers “sustainable” levels for his wood products company (the glass is half empty). read more >
by Jan Cottingham -