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Steven Anthony

Anthony Timberlands Inc. President Steven M. Anthony said high lumber prices has made it possible to finance $10 million in upgrades at its Malvern sawmill.
Agriculture & Poultry / Real Estate

Anthony Timberlands to Spend $10M on Malvern Mill Upgrades

Anthony Timberlands Inc. of Bearden says it will invest $10 million in improvements to its pine sawmill in Malvern over the next six to eight months. read more >
Steven Anthony at the Anthony Timberlands site in Bearden.
Agriculture & Poultry / Manufacturing

Anthony Timberlands Buys Sawmill In Union County

Anthony Timberlands Inc. announced Thursday that it will purchase the hardwood sawmill and chip mill facility in Mt. Holly (Union County) that is owned and operated by Watson Sawmill Company Inc. read more >

Arkansas Business Power List 2016: Agriculture & Timber

An agriculture and timber resource to help navigate the leadership of the largest Arkansas companies or institutions. read more >
Steven Anthony at the Anthony Timberlands site in Bearden.
Construction / Manufacturing

Anthony Timberlands to Buy Partee Flooring Mill at Magnolia

Anthony Timberlands Inc. of Bearden says it has agreed to purchase the oak flooring mill in Magnolia owned and operated by Partee Flooring Mill LLP. read more >