Susan O. Hickey
Donna Herring Gets 41 Months for Fake Will
Donna Herring, a former Camden real estate agent, is sentenced to 41 months in federal prison for orchestrating a fake will. read more >
by Mark Friedman -
Federal Judge Approves $160M Settlement in Walmart Bribery Case
U.S. Judge Susan O. Hickey on Tuesday approved a $160 million settlement in a class-action case involving bribery allegations against Walmart Inc. of Bentonville in Mexico. read more >
Steve Standridge In Prison Following Another Extension
U.S. District Judge Susan O. Hickey granted former insurance agent Steve Standridge an extension until Feb. 11 for unspecified medical reasons, but he's now incarcerated. read more >
Steve Standridge Rounding Up Restitution Before Sentencing
Unless his defense attorney can change the judge’s mind, former Mount Ida insurance broker Steve Standridge will be sentenced Friday in federal court in Hot Springs. read more >