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Tanglewood Apartments

A total of 171 apartment units in midtown Little Rock was purchased by affiliates of Think Multifamily. | (Parcel lines are approximate and shown for illustration only.)
Banking & Finance / Construction / Investments

Little Rock Apartments Combine For $10.5M Purchase (Real Deals)Lock Icon

Affiliates of Think Multi-family in Frisco, Texas, bought Tanglewood Apartments and Normandy Place in Little Rock. read more >
A total of 171 apartment units in midtown Little Rock was purchased by affiliates of Think Multifamily. | (Parcel lines are approximate and shown for illustration only.)
Agriculture & Poultry / Construction / Investments

Tanglewood, Normandy Place Apartments Sold for Combined $10.6MLock Icon

Apartments, homes, an office building and agri land form this week’s trail of million-dollar real estate transactions in Pulaski County. read more >
Business Services / Media & Marketing / Real Estate

Tanglewood Apartments Gets New Landlord in $3.27 Million Buy

Seven-digit deals in central Arkansas include the purchase of Tanglewood Apartments in Little Rock, 800 acres of farmland in east Pulaski County and the home of the new Soul of the South network. read more >