Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017
Tax Cuts & Jobs Act: Wealth Management Advisers Urge Action Before 2025
Many provisions of the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 are set to expire at the end of 2025, so wealth management advisers are telling high-asset clients to act now. read more >
by Kyle Massey -
Is the Pass-Through Entity Tax Right for You? (Commentary)
In 2022, businesses have their first opportunity to pay the Arkansas pass-through entity tax (PET) rather than passing the state income tax obligation through to its owners. read more >
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Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Attracts Criticism
President Joe Biden announced his administration’s $2.3 trillion plan for infrastructure investments March 31. As one might expect, a great many people found fault with it. read more >
by Marty Cook -
‘Hold the Phone’ (Gwen Moritz Editor’s Note)
Republicans make a big distinction between spending and cutting taxes, but it’s a distinction without a difference when the money has to be borrowed either way. read more >
by Gwen Moritz -
Truckers Seeking Bankruptcy Amid COVID-19 ‘Cataclysm’
Dan Bearden’s Van Buren trucking company had been struggling with soaring insurance rates and falling freight prices since last year. Then the pandemic struck like a meteor. read more >
by Mark Friedman -
Biggest Deals of 2019 See Values Plummet 85%
The value of big deals in Arkansas plummeted 85% in 2019 compared with the previous year, dropping to $7.9 billion compared with a stratospheric $53.9 billion in 2018. read more >
by Jan Cottingham -
Charities: Use Care in Discussing Tax Deductions (Josh Simer Commentary)
For public charities receiving donations from individual donors, now is a good time to review the language used to describe the tax consequences of these donations. read more >
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Nonprofits See Hints Tax Law Has Cut Giving
Nonprofit executives in Arkansas and beyond can’t say for sure if changes to the federal tax code in 2017 caused a drop in giving in 2018. But they didn’t help. read more >
by Mark Friedman -
The Wages of Raising the Bare Minimum
As the minimum wage for Arkansas is raised, the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce and the Arkansas Hospitality Association fear increasing costs. read more >
by Kyle Massey -
Springdale Hopes Opportunity Strikes
Daniel Hintz knows about revitalizing a city’s downtown area and believes a new federal tax program could be just the ticket for Springdale’s budding efforts. read more >
by Marty Cook -
Marginally Acceptable (Gwen Moritz Editor’s Note)
We’re never going to find a tax structure that suits everyone — this is the essential tension of governing. But any honest discussion would have to start with this: Taxation isn’t child’s play. read more >
by Gwen Moritz -
Marsha Moffitt Looking for Future CPAs Down for the Count
Marsha Moffitt, the chief of the Arkansas Society of CPAs, says more guidance is needed from the IRS on last year’s tax laws overhaul. read more >
Higher Standard: Will New Deduction Rules Hit Arkansas Tax Pros?
Doing your own taxes can be like changing your own motor oil, Little Rock CPA Brian Thompson says. Even if it’s simple, it can be a mess. read more >
by Kyle Massey -
Nonprofits and Tax Reform (Katie Watson Bingham Commentary)
The 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act will have a significant impact on individuals, businesses and nonprofits, but the latter may experience the most negative effects. read more >
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Arkansas Nonprofits Hold Breath For Year-End
As a result of changes to the federal tax code, donations to charities are expected to fall by $13.1 billion annually in the United States, according to a May 2017 study by the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University. read more >
by Mark Friedman -