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U.S. Highway 64

Conway’s new airport is under construction on an 180-acre site in the Lollie Bottoms in the city’s southwest corner. When complete in 2014, the $25 million project will feature a 5,500-foot runway located in an area that can accommodate neighboring aviation.

Public Projects Paving The Way For Conway Area’s Growth

Highway expansion, a bypass and interchange plus a new airport set to open in 2014 are helping to make Conway more accessible to visitors and residents as well as commercial traffic. read more >
Future plans for the infrastructure of Conway include a new interchange with Interstate 40 on the southern end of town.

Public Infrastructure Projects Paving Way for Continued Growth in Conway

Which comes first: infrastructure or economic growth? Ideally, communities stay ahead of their growth and supply adequate infrastructure, making daily life more convenient while lowering the cost of doing business. read more >