UAMS Institute for Digital Health & Innovation
UAMS Gets $1M Grant to Expand Digital Health Education, Training
The initiative is joint effort between UAMS, Jefferson Regional Medical Center and the Arkansas Rural Health Partnership. read more >
Jackson, Sanford of UAMS Take New Roles (Movers & Shakers)
Dr. Jaleesa A. Jackson has joined the UAMS Health Clinic in Little Rock. Dr. Joseph Sanford has been appointed director of the Institute for Digital Health & Innovation. read more >
UAMS Center Gets $1.5M to Evaluate Telehealth
The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Rural Telehealth Evaluation Center has received a $1.5 million federal grant to evaluate the performance of the Telehealth Broadband Pilot Program in preventing, preparing for and responding to COVID-19. read more >
UAMS Gets Nearly $1M for Digital Health Training
The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Institute for Digital Health & Innovation has received a two-year grant of nearly $1 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. read more >
UAMS Gets $3.8M for Digital Health Research Center
The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Institute for Digital Health & Innovation has received a four-year, $3.8 million grant from the federal Health Resources & Services Administration to establish a national research center. read more >
UAMS Sees Financial Upturn Under Patterson
The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences has seen its financial condition improve under Chancellor Cam Patterson, who assumed the role in June 2018. read more >
by Mark Friedman -
UAMS Institute Gets $4M Grant for Sexual Assault Program
The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Institute for Digital Health & Innovation has been awarded a $4 million grant for its new digital health program that provides the expertise of sexual assault nurse examiners to rural hospital emergency departments. read more >