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University of Arizona

Kristin Turnbow at Walmart Store 144 in Fayetteville is one of thousands of Walmart managers and just about all other employees benefiting from better pay these days.
Business Services / Public Companies / Retail

Everyday Low Prices, And Now Higher PayLock Icon

Over the past two years, Walmart Inc. has been rebuilding their reputation by implementing better pay, benefits and career-building opportunities. read more >
Victoria DeFrancesco Soto, the new dean of the University of Arkansas System's Clinton School of Public Service. She was selected to lead the school after the retirement of longtime dean James "Skip" Rutherford. 
Government & Politics

Texas’ Victoria DeFrancesco Soto Picked To Be Next Clinton School Dean

Her areas of expertise include immigration, women and politics, and political psychology. read more >
Education / Public Companies / Retail

Walmart Will Cover Tuition, Books for Its Live Better U Program

Walmart Inc. says it will pay full tuition and buy books for employees taking part in its Live Better U education program, removing the dollar-a-day fee for participants effective Aug. 16. read more >