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University of Arkansas Board of Trustees

Nathaniel Todd
Education / Government & Politics

VA Secretary Nate Todd Appointed to UA Board of Trustees

Todd, a Pine Bluff native, replaces Dr. Stephen Broughton, whose 10-year term expired in March. read more >
Banking & Finance / Business Services / Education

Entrepreneur Jeremy Wilson Joins UA Board

Gov. Asa Hutchinson appoints Jeremy Wilson of Bentonville to the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas. read more >

UA Board of Trustees Approve Joint Hospital Ventures

The University of Arkansas Board of Trustees on Friday approved joint ventures between the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Baptist Health and Arkansas Children’s to expand access to radiation therapy as well as to establish the state’s first proton therapy center. read more >
Education / Legal / Media & Marketing

The Company You Keep (Editorial)

It’s time for John Goodson to resign as a UA trustee. We are known by the company we keep — and the people we empower. read more >
Construction / Education / Tourism

On Priorities (Editorial)

The fact that a majority of the trustees of the University of Arkansas System voted to use the university’s credit to do a breathtaking $160 million upgrade of Reynolds Razorback Stadium in Fayetteville is neither surprising nor disturbing. read more >
Construction / Education / Media & Marketing

‘What If We’re Wrong?’ (Gwen Moritz Editor’s Note)

I saw prolific nonfiction writer Chuck Klosterman on a morning news show talking about his new book, “But What If We’re Wrong?,” and his thesis keeps crossing my mind: What if things that we absolutely know to be true turn out to be just as wrong as things our ancestors were equally sure about? read more >
Education / Government & Politics / Legal

John Goodson: No Role Model (Editorial)

Judges and lawyers who pervert the judicial system for their enrichment undermine the public’s faith in that system. They should not be board members of the state’s university system. read more >
Education / Energy / Nonprofits

UA System Gets $5M From Former Southwestern Energy CEO

Charles E. Scharlau, former CEO of Southwestern Energy Co., will donate $5 million to create an endowed chair in presidential leadership at the University of Arkansas System. read more >
Michael Moore, vice president for academic affairs, says single, shorter courses are key to successful online experiences for nontraditional students.
Education / Media & Marketing

Inside the UA eVersity: A Different Online-only Education

Michael Moore is navigating an ambitious project: combining technologies and techniques that have been proven to work elsewhere into an entirely new UA member university. read more >

UA Board to Vote on Tuition Increases

Under the proposal, a resident undergraduate student at the Fayetteville campus would pay $7,818 for tuition and fees in the 2013-2014 school year. That's a 3.5 percent increase from the current rates. read more >
Education / Government & Politics

Cliff Gibson Appointed to UA Board of Trustees

Gov. Mike Beebe has appointed a Monticello attorney to the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees. Beebe's office announced Tuesday that 58-year-old Charles "Cliff" Gibson III will replace Mike Akin on the board. Gibson's 10-year term will expire March 1, 2103. read more >