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University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service

Agriculture & Poultry / Education / Real Estate

Arkansas Farmers Have More Corn on Their Plate

Kernel Corn has overtaken King Cotton as Arkansas’ third most popular crop by land use, and the state now has more acres producing corn than it has had at almost any time in the past 70 years. read more >
Bob Scott, director of the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service
Agriculture & Poultry / Education / Government & Politics

Bob Scott Says Extension Service Covers the Field for Arkansans

Bob Scott, the new director of the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, says the coronavirus pandemic has been a game changer but not a game stopper. read more >
They’re not so lovable in the wild. Arkansas game officials and landowners deal with feral hog pests across most of the state.
Agriculture & Poultry / Government & Politics / Media & Marketing

Arkansas’ Feral Hogs No Laughing Matter

Feral hogs damage Arkansas farms and equipment, and it doesn’t take 30-50 to cause real trouble. read more >
Education / Investments / Media & Marketing

Can’t Buy Me Love (Gwen Moritz Editor’s Note)

Since it’s hard to measure universal goals like being a better parent, humans tend to fixate on things that we can measure — weight, height, the size of our houses and, of course, net worth. read more >
Ples Spradley in Senegal, on a Farmer-to-Farmer assignment for Winrock International. 
Agriculture & Poultry / Government & Politics / Nonprofits

UA Pesticide Expert Asks Congress to Continue Funding Farmer-to-Farmer Program

A pesticide expert at the UA Cooperative Extension Service involved in Winrock International’s Farmer-to-Farmer program testifies before Congress on why funding for the program should continue. read more >
Rick Cartwright
Agriculture & Poultry / Education

Rick Cartwright Named Director of UA Extension Service

Rick Cartwright has been named director of the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service, part of the the university system’s Division of Agriculture. read more >
Agriculture & Poultry / Education

Rice Planting Surges Ahead of 5-Year Average, Approaches Record Acreage

Arkansas growers report having nearly 100 percent of planned rice planting complete. The state could potentially exceed 2010 record of more than 1.7 million acres of rice. read more >
Stripe rust appears on the lower leaves of a section of wheat planted in southeast Arkansas.
Agriculture & Poultry

Arkansas Officials Warn of Wheat Fungal Infections

Officials say a fungus that harms wheat crops has been found in central and eastern Arkansas. read more >
Business Services / Education / Government & Politics

Workers’ Financial Education a Concern

Americans are notoriously ignorant about basic personal finance, and Arkansans are even less financially savvy than the national average, according to a nationwide study conducted by the FINRA Investor Education Foundation. read more >