USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service
In Praise Of Pragmatism (Editorial)
Radical ideology rarely has anything of value to offer businesspeople. So the first few days of President Donald Trump’s administration have rattled the agriculture industry in Arkansas. read more >
Value in U.S. Agricultural Real Estate Increases
The value of agricultural real estate in the nation — as measured by the value of all land and buildings on farms — increased 10.9 percent last year compared with 2011, averaging $2,650 per acre, according to the USDA. read more >
Arkansas’ Top Crop? Soybeans Beat Rice in 2011
While the dollar value of the state’s 2012 crops still hasn’t been officially tallied, the record soybean crop may mean that rice is again No. 2. Soybeans displaced rice at the top of the list. read more >
by Gwen Moritz -