Witsell Evans & Rasco
New Book Recalls Little Rock’s Architectural History
The architecture firms of Wittenberg Delony & Davidson and Witsell Evans & Rasco have been present for the design and restoration of scores of Little Rock landmarks. Two retired principals of those firms, Gordon Wittenberg and Charlie Witsell, have completed a book. “Architects of Little Rock, 1833-1950,” profiling many of those landmarks and the stories behind them. read more >
by Luke Jones -
Feds Studying Suspect Paperwork Tied to One Bank
Officials at Hydco Inc., a North Little Rock general contracting firm, and the Little Rock architectural firm of Witsell Evans & Rasco are among those who have been questioned about alleged work done for the $439.7 million-asset lender. read more >
by George Waldon -
Wood Increasingly Used In School Construction
A change four years ago in state guidelines has led to an increasing use of wood in school construction. One of the highest profile examples of wood construction in an education facility is the $43.2 million 322,500-SF El Dorado High School, which opened a year ago. read more >
by Jan Cottingham -