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Tips and Advice

UALR Center Helps Business Get in Gear with Entrepreneur Week Events

UALR’s Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center will host events in 15 cities across the state later this month to help aspiring and active entrepreneurs get their businesses and mark the Ninth Annual Arkansas Entrepreneur Week.

Anderson, Others Named to Arkansas Research Alliance

The Arkansas Research Alliance names the members of its 15-person Board of Trustees.

Diamond State Ventures Seeds New Fund with $75M in Capital

Diamond State Ventures II will invest between $75 million and $90 million in the next five years.

SBA Lending Activity Down From Previous Years

Lenders and the U.S. Small Business Administration made 303 unique 7(a) loans in Arkansas during its fiscal 2008, which ended Sept. 30.

The state's official Web portal, Arkansas.gov, recently was named among the top 10 state sites for the fourth time in six years by the Center for Digital Government's Best of the Web competition.

Arkansas.gov Ranks Among Nation’s Top 10 Government Web Sites

The state's official Web portal, Arkansas.gov, recently was named among the top 10 state sites for the fourth time in six years by the Center for Digital Government's Best of the Web competition. read more >
The Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center will receive a $93,405 grant through the U.S. Small Business Administration's Veterans Assistance and Services Program.

Small Business Center Lands $93,000 SBA Grant to Assist Veterans

The state's congressional delegation announced this week that the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center will receive a $93,405 grant through the U.S. Small Business Administration's Veterans Assistance and Services Program. read more >

Time Magazine Editor-at-large to Speak at Venture Forum Conference

A week from today Josh Quittner, editor-at-large for Time Magazine, will be the featured speaker at the 2008 Arkansas Venture Forum Conference, organizers announced recently. read more >

Coalition Launched to Address Energy, Economic Development

A coalition of economic development, energy and environmental leaders on Tuesday announced the formation of Progress Arkansas, a group charged with the task of building consensus and broad support for economic, energy and environmental policies. read more >

Little Rock ‘Hot,’ Magazine Concludes

Southern Business & Development magazine's summer 2008 issue places the Little Rock area at the top of its list of "Hot Markets in a Cold Economy." read more >

Insight Ecosystems Fills Smaller Banking Niche

Keith Henkel's Insight Ecosystems is looking to provide to small and mid-sized banks the same services as larger financial services providers at a more affordable price. read more >
The Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center unveils a new logo along with its new name.

Center Puts ‘Technology’ in Small Business Development

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock and other higher education institutions in the state recently acknowledged the Arkansas Small Business Development Center's shift toward assisting high-tech and innovative businesses. read more >

Small Business Makes Adjustments As Credit Markets Apply Squeeze

Small business owners are not feeling the full force of credit crisis. read more >

IA Client Lydia Carson Named to National Innovation Board

Lydia Carson, a graduate of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock's executive MBA program, has been named to the advisory board of Planet Eureka! USA National Innovation Marketplace. read more >
Joe King, owner of King Disposal Inc. in Palestine, recently received the Minority Business of the Year award from the U.S. Small Business Administration as part of Minority Enterprise Development Week.

King Disposal Recognized as SBA Minority Business of the Year

Joe King, owner of King Disposal Inc. in Palestine, recently received the Minority Business of the Year award from the U.S. Small Business Administration as part of Minority Enterprise Development Week, Memphis-based alt.Consulting announced Monday. read more >

Confucius Institute Helps Arkansas Companies Go Global

The Confucius Institute, headquartered at the University of Central Arkansas at Conway, offers cultural and language training to Arkansas businesses looking to diversify into China. read more >

Johansons Mentor Small Business, Build ‘Incubator’

When the Johansons decided to build another office building down the street, they decided to more or less duplicate their model and make it more of an official small business incubator. read more >

Fort Smith High School Entrepreneurs Seeking Sponsors

The Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center at Fort Smith is seeking sponsors for the Fort Smith High School Entrepreneurship Program. read more >

VIDEO: Mike Beebe, Richard Bell to Talk Alternative Energy at Winrock

In this THVideo, Tommy Foltz, executive director of the Arkansas Clean Transportation Partnership, talks about Arkansas' first Alternative Fuel Vehicle Odyssey Day, taking place Friday in Little Rock. read more >

Little Rock Inventor Finds Local Market

Shoppers can now find the GoateeSaver, a product of Little Rock inventor Scott Bonge, at the Drug Emporium in Little Rock. read more >

Registration Open for 2008 National SBIR Conference

Hartford, Conn., has been selected as the location for the next national SBIR conference, to be held Nov. 12-14. read more >

UALR’s Arkansas Small Business Development Center to Offer ‘Advanced Invention to Venture’ Workshop

The Arkansas Small Business Development Center at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock will soon sponsor the first Advanced Invention to Venture workshop in Arkansas. read more >

Little Rock MSA No. 54 Among Milken’s Best-Performing Cities List

The Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway metropolitan statistical area ranked No. 54 among the Milken Institute's 2008 list of America's Best-Performing Cities Index. read more >

AEDC Reports Increased Economic Development

Last year was a banner year for economic development in the state, according the Arkansas Economic Development Commission's annual activity report for 2007. read more >

Economic Literacy Programs Fill Educational Void in State

Educators and nonprofit groups in Arkansas are joining forces to promote economic and financial literacy starting at an early age. read more >